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Continual Improvement

Continuous Improvement is an ongoing process to improve your organization’s products, services and processes. Continuous improvement efforts range widely in complexity, duration, execution, and subject matter, and because there are always places to improve within your organization, it is an ongoing effort.

To help with continuous improvements, you can use results from internal audits, management reviews, feedback from customers, or monitoring and measuring. If any of the information you gather shows you are underperforming in an area, then you need to take steps to improve it.

The PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act) is a great tool to use to help with continuous improvements. Once you’ve identified the actions you need to take for improvement, you should use the PDCA phases by planning the action (plan), implementing what is planned (do), monitoring the process and reporting results (check), and taking any further actions to improve if necessary (act).


Our All-in-One Certification Package is a proven, efficient system. It gives you all you need to prepare for registration – in one simple to use package.

Customer Review:

"I have just passed my Audit with zero non-conformances for the second year in a row using your products to write my entire QMS. Thank you for producing documents of this quality"

Bettye Patrick

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